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Vue3 Performance Optimization — Bundle Optimization

Through its data two-way binding and virtual DOM technologies, the Vue framework takes care of the most tedious and dirtiest part of front-end development — DOM manipulations. We no longer need to concern ourselves with how to manipulate the DOM or how to do it most efficiently. However, issues like first-screen optimization and compilation configuration optimization still exist in Vue projects. Therefore, we still need to focus on performance optimization for Vue projects to achieve more efficient performance and a better user experience.
Vue3 Performance Optimization — Code-Level Optimization
Gzip Compression
When front-end resources are too large, server resource requests can be slow. The front-end can reduce the file size by approximately 60% through Gzip compression. The compressed files, after simple processing by the backend, can be normally decoded by browsers.
Install Plugin
yarn add vite-plugin-compression -D
Vite Configuration
// vite.config.ts
import viteCompression from 'vite-plugin-compression';
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
// ....
algorithm: 'gzip',
deleteOriginFile: false, // Whether…